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Such has beeient sufferance of these ies; and such is now the y whistras the to alter their forr Systes of Governnt. The history of the present Kg of Great Brita is a history of repeated juries and urpations, all havg direct object the establishnt of an absote Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be subitted to a did world.


He has refed his Assent to Laws, the ost wholeso and necessary for the public good.


He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of idiate and pressg iportance, unless speheir operation till his Assent should be obtaed; and when so spended, he has utterly ed to attend to the.


He has refed to pass other Laws for the aoodation e districts of people, uhose people would relquish the right of Representation the Legisture, a right estiable to the and foridable to tyrants only.


He has called together legistive bodies at pces unual, unfortable, and distant fro the depository of their public Rerds, for the sole purpose of fatigug the to pliah his asures.


He has dissolved Representative Hoes repeatedly, for opposg with anly firness his vasions on the rights of the people.


He has refed for a long ti, after such dissotions, to cae others to be elected; whereby the Legistive powers, capable of Annihition, have returo the People at rge for their exercise; the State reag the an ti exposed to all the dangers of vasion fro without, and nvulsions with.


He has endeavoured to prevent the popution of these States; for that purpose the Laws of Naturalization of Fners; refg to pass others to enurage their igrations hither, and raisg the nditions of neropriations of Lands .
